Collection: SumBlox
SumBlox 是一種培養數學技能的創新方式。學習計數、加法、減法、乘法等等就像堆疊積木一樣簡單。打造出使抽象數字具體化的Sumblox數字積木組,讓沉悶的數字都有趣了起來,讓孩子不怕數學,讓數學不枯燥乏味。他們鼓勵手眼協調和提高運動技能。MINI版的 SumBlox 適合向個別兒童在家進行學習,而Orignal Sumblox 適合與其他小孩探索更複雜的概念,並進一步合作和學習。積木的潛力無窮無盡,創造美麗事物的自由僅限於您的想像力!
MINI版的SumBlox 適合向個別兒童在家進行學習,而 Orignal Sumblox 適合與其他小孩探索更複雜的概念,並進一步合作和學習。
SumBlox are an innovative way to develop math skills. Learning to count, add, subtract, multiply and much more is as simple as stacking building blocks. SumBlox are solid wood stacking number blocks designed to improve numeracy and make learning more accessible, more fun, and more exciting. They encourage both hand-eye coordination and improve motor skills. Smaller sets of SumBlox will introduce individual children to learning with SumBlox and larger sets allow exploration of more complex concepts, and further cooperation with other learners. There is endless potential to learn with building blocks, and the freedom to create something beautiful is confined only to your imagination!